Synopsis The title of the music video is Love team Song choice: Itchyworms This video is for people who are in a relationship because not all we watch in a love story movie or we read a love story book is not happening in real life. The video started of a man who has interest in his in film partner during their film the man fell for his partner but eventually he expected that his partner would love him also. After filming some of their fans cheers to them when they as the love team together holding hands after their autograph to the fans the quickly show that they were not in love for each other. Later someday he brought flowers for his partner but eventually he ended up brokenhearted as he saw his film partner was with someone else. ROLE My role is the man who get the girl from andrei mojica and the man stayed at last. CONTRIBUTION my contribution to this music video is some clothes and props of my...
Showing posts from March, 2018